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Fearless Femme 100 was a movement of extraordinary QTIBIPoC femmes finding their power. We helped  create a legacy of infinite self love through mental wellbeing, holistic wellness, arts, and activism for our community. 

About Us 

Fearless Femme 100 began a COVID-19 response mental health service project called,FREE QTBIPOC Mental Health Counseling fiscally sponsored by New York Transgender Advocacy Group and SGF.


We centered Trans/Queer Black and Indigenous experiences with peer centered mental health counseling. We have served 2,000+ QTBIPoC across the USA and internationally with mental health workshops, support groups, and individual counseling. 


We were a community group of BIPoC Trans femmes GNC/NB folks, and Cis women. We had Master's degrees in Social Work or Counseling Psychology, with a minimum of a Mental Health certification.


Sponsors & Collaborations 

We’ve collaborated with The Museum of Women's Resistance, The Okra Project, Black Is A Poem, Black Trans Media, NYC PoC Healing Circle, Third Root Community Health Center, and QTPoC Mental Health.


Our Values

ART is a tool for social justice, radical change, and healing

MENTAL WELLBEING includes community led care, decolonized, and policitized mental health for QTBIPoC by us.

HOLISTIC WELLNESS is integral to our collective prosperity and abundance. We honor the original healing practices of our ancestors.

ACTIVISM is not a trend. It is to protect and uplift the livelihood of our community. Revolution is act of love. Love is an act of revolution. 

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